Space is a lived experience that transcends the objective reality of daily life. As identified by specific place, space can manifest itself as empty or full, meaningful or meaningless; however, it is always about presence - presence of spirit, light, sound, aroma, and always about memory, for without memory there can be no conscious reflection. Logic deals with secondary intentions while art deals with primary intention and those aspects of objects and space that are unavailable to logic. As we enter the world in a haze of light and exit in darkness the journey is expressed as a simple reflection in a glass.
The images are constructed from various sources not the least from shadows and reflections. The central images are illusions, reflections in glass. The old theatrical trick, referred to as Pepper's Ghost, causes the image to appear in space but is merely the illusion made present by reflecting light on the object - the image can be both explicit and implicit.
Lo Ch'ing's poems give these images the depth and richness that brings to mind narrative scrolls as well as the Medieval tradition of the devotional book of Hours. The intention here is to place the poems in the context of the images without the image being illustrative or the text being explanatory. Rather than the specificity of the devotional, these parings are open-ended and resist any specific reading. The ambiguity of the connections allow for conjecture as to how the image and text meet. As art is the embodiment of meaning in form, my hope is that the placement of the objects, the tone of the text, the proscenium opening in the page and the color tonalities reflect the contemplative character of our dreams.
Each aspect of these images, and the poems, has been enhanced through the precise orchestration of idea and material by Wilber Schilling - his exquisite sense of a unified whole foregrounds the work�s fundamental narrative of the transit of life.